First, I must read Don Quixote. This should not be difficult, for I can likely read it in a fortnight. I then hope to read some more Aristotle and Plato, and begin an introduction to Kant and thus the Enlightenment. So: Theaetetus, Republic, and Phaedrus will comprise my Plato readings. Politics, Ethics, On the Soul, and Metaphysics will be more than sufficient Aristotle, Prolegomena to Future Metaphysics for Kant, Dune and Starship Troopers will be my fun/science fiction reading, and maybe a Greek Tragedy I haven't read, or some more Shakespeare.
This list is more than enough, and I likely won't finish it. My highest priorities will be The Republic, Politics, On the Soul, and Prolegomena, after I have finished Don Quixote. I will be more than satisfied if I can do that, and I would very much like to reread the Nichomachean Ethics and finally finish Menger's Principles of Economics. Let's put this in prioritized bullet form:
- Don Quixote
- Prolegomena to Future Metaphysics
- Nicomachean Ethics
- Politics
- Republic
- Principles of Economics
- Theaetetus
- On the Soul
- Dune
- Starship Troopers
That said, let's finish Phaedrus and Metaphysics this semester, and we'll see what the summer brings.