Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interlude: Finding Out of Print Series

I came across Henri Daniel-Rops' thirteen volume history of the Church sophomore year in Annapolis and ever since I have been trying to locate a copy. It has been a most frustrating task; the books are almost all out of print, and the copies I can find are prohibitively expensive. Still, I shall continue in my efforts, and perhaps good things will yet come of it.

The series is entitled The History of the Church of Christ, and its volumes (ten in its English translation) are:
  1.  The Church of Apostles and Martyrs
  2. The Church in the Dark Ages
  3. Cathedrals and Crusade
  4. The Protestant Reformation
  5. The Catholic Reformation
  6. The Church in the Seventeenth Century
  7. The Church in the Eighteenth Century
  8. The Church in an Age of Revolution
  9. A Fight for God
  10. Our Brothers in Christ

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