Friday, October 26, 2007


Man's relationship to the State: that was the big question that affected Antigone. Sophocles is a genius. He was a genius. Whatever. What I meant to say is that Antigone is every bit as relevant today as it was 2,500 years ago. The questions of family, religion/vs. politics, and the virtuous life still apply today.

Antigone refuses to obey the law that Creon has erected shaming the body of Polyneices. This is contrary to divine law, which Antigone argues is superior to that of civil law. That naturally struck a deep chord with me, for I also believe that there is a Higher Law than any of our civil laws can reach. There are laws that govern human action that are superior to the laws that humans erect themselves. We have seen this in 1850's America, Nazi Germany, and in every socialist country that has been created. All of these countries erected laws that were contrary to natural or divine law - the recognition of slavery, genocide, and tyranny. These laws ultimately lost out against Higher Law.

Now, as then, we have laws that contradict higher law. While I do not care for Socrates at times, I do agree that true virtue (he was an example of the virtuous pagan) comes only from God. That is the dogma of the Church in particular and Christianity in general. Without Christ we are barbarians. Philosophy does much if we bend our wills, but ultimately to lead the best life we need the power of Christ.

That is one reason I loved Antigone. She knew what was right and she did it without fear of Creon or his army or his unlawful laws. She was willing to defy her doomed family line and continue the seed of Oedipus. "If we do not risk anything great we will not achieve anything great", she says at one point. (Either that or it was the Chorus) Either way they are correct. Life is either a great drama, a great adventure, or else nothing at all.

Antigone as a character was inspirational and admirable. Antigone as a play is a masterpiece worthy of rereading for the rest of my life. Man's law vs. God's law and the conflict between the two ... Wow.

I am exited to start The Republic. Even though Socrates says some really stupid nonsense I am ready to read it. Let's just get it over with; six seminars on one book!

Pogoni Dios!

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